Saeful Yatim, A Jember’s Artist: Epic Trilogy About Sadeng on Canvas

Saeful Yatim news arts

Unraveling the Past: The Perang Sadeng Tapestry Once Again by Saeful Yatim

The recent rise of Perang Sadeng can be seen in the huge size of the monumental Sadeng play. A famous artist from Jember named Saeful Yatim made the Sadeng trio, an art show that is currently showing in Taman Ismail Marzuki, to go with this interesting story.

What Sadeng’s Brushstrokes Will Always Mean People from all walks of life, from caring moms to respected Islamic leaders, came together to fight for Sadeng’s land in a battle that is the first in a trilogy that will tell the story. With his skilled lines, Saeful Yatim paints a picture of what happened in Sadeng that he sees as more than just a history lesson, but as a well-studied and understood tapestry.

The artist has a strong link to Perang Sadeng’s history, and it shows in the vivid brushstrokes that bring the story to life on the canvas.

The Historical Canvas by Saeful Yatim, Perang Sadeng

Sadeng’s rebellion against the Majapahit Kingdom in order to get revenge for Nambi’s death at the hands of the government is where Perang Sadeng got its start in history. The well-known prime minister (mahapatih) of Majapahit, Nambi, played a key part in making the people of Sadeng and Keta into elite warriors in the Majapahit Armed Forces.

Nambi died because of a fight within himself that was made worse by peers wanting to take his place. Following this information, Sadeng and Keta formed a strong dislike for the Majapahit government, which led to the Sadeng uprising.

After that, there was fighting that became known as the Nambi uprising. It destroyed Lamajang, a center with ties to both Sadeng and Keta. The start of the historical time known as Perang Sadeng marked by this event. This period now vividly shown in grand theater plays.

Sadeng II is the Next Part of the Creative Journey

Sadeng II is the second book in the Sadeng series. It picks up where the first book left off and adds new layers to the story. Saeful Yatim’s art goes beyond the fights themselves. And then, it looks at the complicated feelings, personal grudges, also far-reaching social effects of the outbreak.

The Final Chapter of Sadeng

The canvas is an ode to Sadeng’s strength because it shows what happened after the revolt and the unwavering spirit of a community that beat the odds to seek justice and honor.

The power to remember things from the past through art

What Saeful Yatim’s series shows, how well art can used to record and share historical information. With his skilled brush, he brings the story of Perang Sadeng to life. He inviting viewers to discover and become a part of the rich fabric of a bygone era.

People who watch the Sadeng trilogy go on a journey that doesn’t have a set end date. This adventure makes viewers appreciate the struggles and successes of communities like Sadeng even more. In Saeful Yatim’s paintings, the past not something to forgotten. Instead, it is a story that begs to be read, thought about, and related to on a deeper level.

